(613) 235-5263 info@baldwinav.com

So you’ve now familiarized yourself with video conferencing and webinars, now for some appeal. Do you want to allow people to participate in meetings without them needing to be in the room? Are you seeking a solution for meetings, job interviews, court proceedings? Did you know that you can eliminate travel expenses associated with physical meetings using our high-quality video conferencing and webinar solutions?

We’ve already touched on the time and cost savings — it’s kind of obvious really — but what about these other 3 benefits?

1. Optimize your meetings

The digital convenience of video conferencing makes attendance from spread out teams and clients easier. This benefit leads to more actionable meetings with improved communication. When everyone feels in the loop and understands the bigger picture, you can also start to expect things like increased productivity, collaboration, and even employee retention.

2. Scale your efforts

Webinars also come with a nice bag of benefits beyond savings, one of the biggest being scalability. When you can hold an informative webinar attended by hundreds of people without needing to bring them all together, and do this repeatedly without a location barrier, you’ll inevitably reach more people. It’s a simple equation really, bigger and better output for the same or less effort!

3. Self-filtered sales leads

In addition to increased reach, people who sign up for webinars and conferences are usually part of your target audience. These people are essentially qualified sales leads or are likely connected to people that are. The connective nature of video conferences and webinars, coupled with the ability to host more than the in-person variety, will undoubtedly help your brand value build swiftly!

Please click here to read Part 3: https://baldwinav.com/video-conferencing-services-and-webinar-solutions-like-no-other/